Dolphin Pride
All students at Dana Hills High School are eligible for the Dolphin Pride Award which is based on satisfactory academic achievement, outstanding performance, outstanding citizenship, and school service. Students who earn the award for three or four years are recognized at the Senior Awards night with a medallion. This medallion may be worn at graduation.
Service Requirements (15 hours of SCHOOL SERVICE per year)
These are the pre-approved school service organizations that you may work for in order to receive school credit:
PTSA-sponsored programs/events (Recycling, Registration, Dolphin Experience, etc)
SOCSA - attending sch
Dolphin Force
Grad Nite
the Library
any CUSD-approved tutoring or instructional program
donation of home-made baked goods to school events
donation of blood to school-sponsored blood drives
donation of maximum 20 bags of recycling (2 bags = 1 school service hour) -
No credit will be given for service hours with teachers, teams, clubs or for individual tutoring unless you receive approval via DP email. *Donation of Baked Goods: A maximum of three (3) total hours will be given throughout the school year for donated items. All baked goods donated must be home-made. No credit will be given for store bought food, beverages, etc. **Blood Donations: Two (2) total hours will be given to a student for each blood donation. Limit of two blood drives per year. ***Maximum of Eight (8) Volunteer Hours Per Day due to California labor laws for minors.
Questions? Email us:
Logging Hours
Dolphin Pride hours are logged and validated through our HelperHelper Volunteer Hours Mobile Tracking App. Please visit our HelperHelper page to learn more about setting up a student account.

Senior Award Dolphin Pride Medallion Recipients
Riley Lenthall -- 4 years
Aakrsh Misra -- 3 years
2021 - 2022 Dolphin Pride Award Recipients
Brown, Kyara
Condie, Jedidiah
Dopf, Peyton
Foster, Zane
Garbino, Jackson
Garbino, Jacob
Geiger, Mia
Gryzanoski,​ Janie
Korbonski, Ava
Misra, Anusha
Misri, Sophie
Mondino, Donatella
Parker, Stephanie
Segal, Alex