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Welcome to Dana Hills
High School PTSA

Making an impact by enriching our students' education experiences

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Dana Hills PTSA offers a wide variety of programs. See our listing of programs: 



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Spirit Wear Ordering

Want to order DHHS Spirit wear but missed it during registration? You can order Spirit wear here! Click the button below to go to our store and order your spirit wear today.  

Packet Pickup

Upcoming PTA Meetings

Please take a moment to review the upcoming PTA meetings and the calendar page to RSVP to the next PTA Meetings!

Thank you for your support!

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Please take a moment to review the volunteer opportunities listed below and select the categories that interest you. By volunteering even an hour or two you will make a valuable contribution to our students, make new friends, and build a strong bond between school, home, and the community.

Thank you for your support!


September Parent Volunteering

Parents, we need help for opportunities in September. Below is the sign-up link for registration volunteers needed  I look forward to seeing everyone soon. Please sign up here

Thank you!



Hello Dana Hills High School Parents,


As we start our WASC (Western Association of Schools and Colleges) self-study process for accreditation, we would like your feedback regarding your child’s experiences at Dana Hills. Please take a few minutes to fill out this important survey. If you have any questions, you can contact our WASC coordinator, Molly Coghill, via email: Thank you for your time and attention.






Estamos en el proceso de autoestudio para renovar nuestra acreditación a través de la Asociación Occidental de Escuelas y Universidades (WASC). Su participación en esta encuesta nos ayudará a identificar áreas de fortalezas y áreas de crecimiento que se utilizarán para crear un plan de acción para la mejora escolar. ¡Gracias por tomar esta breve encuesta!





Fins Up! 

Dr. Brad Baker, DHHS Principal 

Connect & Inspire 



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